Sunday, December 12, 2010

Life on Great Barrier

It has been so long since I posted last!! Life on the island has been far more busy than I could have ever imagined. I suppose that happens though, when you work any and all jobs that are offered to you! I have been mainly working in Tryphena - in the south of the island - leading a team that is removing invasive plants. To sum it up, we go into the bush - areas that are typically privately owned, and walk back and forth through dense bush searching for target plants. The work is pretty challenging, especially for someone like myself who happens to have a pretty significant fear of spiders. I am also responsible for a "rat line" that runs along the border of Glenfern Sanctuary - an area on the island that is working to be pest free. I check rat traps and tracking cards, hoping to catch rats, mice and rabbits. Another dirty and sometimes gross job, but very interesting and rewarding. I also have been working in a cafe a couple days a week. On top of those three main jobs, I have been teaching myself how to bake, and been creating a garden in my front yard. 
Here are some pictures from the past month or so on the island.

This is the first loaf of bread I have ever made!! It was quite tasty!

Karaka Bay at low tide

Dan was gardening and one of the chickens came to dig in his soil

Dan and his chicken friend

Beautiful sunset from my front porch

Sunset behind the flax flowers

Squash flower in my garden!

Thanksgiving feast - New Zealand style

Dan sitting next to my boss Brett and his wife Jo

Dan in the garden

Pumpkins, beetroot, onions, potatoes, spinach, broccoli and squash!

Dan and Scotty heading out to surf at the Whangapoua Estuary

The beautiful estuary

Scotty found a John Dorry stuck in a tide pool and entertained the kids while he filleted it

Scotty filleting the fish

A Kaka drinking the juice from the flax flowers

The view from a house we are watching - that's the Pacific ocean in the distance!

The house... simple but really nice!

What a view!!!

Dan soaking in the amazing view

Tracks in the estuary mud